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What we learned at the Annual Membership Meeting

The Northampton Neighbors Board of Directors | Published on 11/15/2023

Want to know what Northampton Neighbors is up to and what some members had to say at the recent membership meeting?

Meet new board members and hear what participants contributed during the break-out groups. They were asked to think about:

    •    What do you need from NN now—and what can we do to help you get it?
    •    How would you like to see NN change?
    •    How can we connect with more of our members?
    •    What would you enjoy doing with NN? 

These are just some of the ideas expressed by those in attendance at the meeting:

    •    Can we have more social activities at different times of the day?
    •    Can we train notetakers to accompany us at doctor visits?
    •    How about more interest groups: Poetry? Art?

  If, as you watch the video, you have ideas to share, please let us know.

—The Northampton Neighbors Board of Directors

And, for a look back, please click here for our 2023 Year in Review