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HomeControl PanelCustom PagesNorthampton Neighbors Bike Group
NN BikeREC: Biking for Recreation, Exploration, Connection welcomes
bicycle enthusiasts who enjoy recreational biking on the rail trail and quiet
back roads. This group is intended for bicyclists who can average about 10
mph and who are interested in doing between 10 to 20 miles of riding, with a
short break. For the longer rides, we plan to have a longer break at roughly
the halfway point, often at an outdoor cafe. The bike rides, which are typically
between one and two and a half hours, are on Mondays at 1:30 pm during the
Spring and Fall and at 9:30 or 10 am during the summer months, weather
and road conditions permitting.

Any member of the group can propose and / or volunteer to lead a ride that
they are familiar with.  A bike helmet, water bottle, and bright clothing visible to
motorists are required. A flashing red rear light is highly recommended.
Information on upcoming rides will be sent by email about 5 days ahead of
time and will describe the route, the number of miles, the terrain, the level of
traffic, and elevation gain.

Up to 15 cyclists will be accepted for each ride on a first come, first served
Leader:  David Arbeitman, or text/call 413-313-5705.
Co-leader: Rich Baker, or 763-772-5700