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HomeMember Musings 2024
Member Musings: a space where NN members share their experiences, activities, and creativity with others.

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June 10, 2024

Pickleball: Thoughts from a Beginner
by Lucy Greenburg

First, there’s the name. Pickleball. Honestly, who thought that up? In contrast to the condiment, there’s nothing crunchy, juicy, or even green about pickleball. And frankly, if there was a contest for wackiest game title I wouldn’t know which to bet on -pickleball or tiddlywinks. 

Yet it was the name, itself, that attracted me. With such a zany title the sport promised to be fun. I wanted to try it, but first I did my research. I found out that pickleball is a cross between tennis and ping pong. It’s played mostly with a partner and requires three things - a racquet, a whiffle-type ball, and a net. As with all racquet sports, the players who get the ball over the net the most, win. 

As I surfed through photos, I noticed I had something in common with many of the players - gray hair. In addition to the lean, mean machines of younger generations, there were many others who (like me) appeared somewhat more weathered. One man wore a Grateful Dead T-shirt so faded it looked like he bought it back in the Woodstock days.

Obviously, this was my crowd.

So one day not long ago I showed up at Look Memorial Park in Florence which hosts free open pickleball play for levels from beginner and up. Every court was filled. Balls zinged back and forth. Through my newbie’s eyes, it seemed that everyone but me knew exactly what to do. My mojo began to fade. I headed toward a bench where I assumed that I would stay. 

“We’ve got someone new,” a voice rang out. I watched the woman approach, racquet in hand. After she greeted me, I confessed that I had never played before. Quickly, she turned and walked away. Whoa! Talk about friendly! I started to pick up my things to go. 

But a few seconds later she was back, along with two other players. Introductions followed, and I was given the basic rules of the game. Then quicker than a mosquito bites, it was time to play. Sure, I was nervous. Sure, I made mistakes. But running around made me feel like a kid again. And when I landed the ball in the court as opposed to out of it, I felt positively triumphant. When I actually scored a point (my one and only) not only did my partner cheer, my opponents did as well!  

The fun of that first game was due as much to my fellow players as it was to the game itself. Generously, they extended to me their encouragement, guidance, and patience. 

“Don’t worry,” they said. “We’ve all been where you are now. We were all beginners too.” 

I’ve heard these sympathetic words or similar ones again and again. At Look Park and elsewhere. While I can't generalize from my limited experience, the camaraderie I’ve encountered in open play is much more than I expected. Everywhere I’ve been, players of all levels, including beginners, were made to feel welcome. As I carry on I continue to sense a spirit of goodwill and friendliness - just as I do with Northampton Neighbors.  

According to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, pickleball is the fastest-growing sport in the country. The number of “silver sneaker” players is large and growing. In recreational play, you can choose a relaxed, light-hearted game or more serious competition. Drop-in sessions open to the public seem fairly plentiful. To locate one, use the internet or contact local parks, recreation departments, community centers, and gyms. Ask fellow players when you find courts in your area. Clinics and lessons are available too.

Are you tempted to give it a try? Of course, before you lace up your shoes, check first with your healthcare provider. 

Most of all, don’t worry. We’ve all been where you are now. We’ve all been beginners.

Member Musings: a space where NN members share their experiences, activities, and creativity with others. 

The form that takes — well, that’s up to you. It might be a personal essay that draws on your observations and reflections. Or it could be a drawing, painting or photo accompanied by a few words you’ve written about your creative process. Your subject might be lighthearted or somber, or most anything in between. 

The NN Communications Committee will review and post new selections. Submissions are welcome. Written pieces must be less than 500 words and may be lightly edited for clarity. So if you have something you’re interested in sharing, please email